“Ara isn’t just a podcast — it’s a window into the moments that linger. It’s where I share the experiences I’ve lived, things i felt, things i have seen — which is the meaning of the word “Ara” in arabic. Ara is truly the reflections that come from me truly seeing the world around me.”
From where Ara came from?
— In an effort to divert from a heavily curated public image, Ara emerged from quarantine as a celebration of the things we tell ourselves we can’t speak of.
— In its current iteration, it is a podcast channel where Mthayel interviews people and converses on topics that are brave and unconventional; being human, being a woman, self-actualization, what it means to be spiritual.
— There is great emphasis on topics that are often hushed, but without being provocative. It is also, like its founder, shape-shifting but with intent, care, and consciousness.